Wow. Time flies when you’re having fun. Or moving across the country and trying to grow some roots in a strange place where you literally know no one. Haha.
going west coastal turned one over the weekend. Crazy. That means that we are almost at our one-year anniversary in Oregon. Crazier still.
Over the past year, I have taken to my blog 142 times to share a little something about an experience I (or we’ve) had during our transition. And during this time, over 3,000 people – different people! – have clicked through to check it out. I am so thankful for that. I started going west coastal as a way for our family and friends back home to experience Oregon with us.(…hmm. That makes it sound like I envisioned it’d be some voyeuristic words-based Second Life type of thing – clearly, not.) I just thought it would be fun to write our story as it happened and let them follow along. Then I figured out how to connect this puppy to my Facebook page and it kind of took off from there. So, that’s really a long way of saying: Thank you, readers. I have a lot of fun writing this blog, and knowing that you read it, and comment (either here or on Facebook), and take an interest really gives me a sense of ‘home’ … even if you aren’t from Philadelphia or don’t personally know me. It creates a sense of community around me in a place where I still don’t know many people…so maintaining this outlet is a really nice way to stay connected to a greater group, and I really, really, reallllllly appreciate you indulging me and participating! Don’t get me wrong – I love writing (despite doing it for a living – haha!) and I’d probably still do this blog even if only my parents and parents-in-law read it. But knowing that more people like it…well, that’s really cool. And I am happy that so many of you do.
Now, let’s celebrate going west coastal’s first birthday. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite posts. Yes. I am totally that dorky blogger that goes back and reads her posts every once and a while, so I have favorites. Don’t judge. I get lonely here! Haha.
Some of my favorite posts so far are…
Hi Honey, what do you think about moving to Portland?
We’re home? We’re here? We’re here. It will be home later.
You Learn a Lot About Your Kids in 40 Hours in a Car Over Four Days
The Packers (Not the Inventoriers) – Day 1
The Packers – Day 3. Final day…coupled with some police activity.
Camping Out. Ok, ok. Camping In.
So long, Philadelphia; Hello, Portland!
First impressions of temporary housing
New School. New Food. Two Tired Kids.
Halloween is a *tad* bit different in Portland…so far
Things You Don’t Plan for When House Shopping
Crafting a Christmas from Scratch
“Mom, I Like Salmon!” and other culinary delights
I’ve Got Friends in Low Places. Wait. No, I don’t.
Delivering A Definitive Portland Experience…
“Private” Bike Tours of Portland
Danger! City Girl with a Garden
Beavers? Duckers? Say What Now?
Escaping the Summer Heat at Ecola State Park
This is Why I Don’t Take Out the Trash (Riiiiiiiiiight. That’s it.)
Decorating within My Limitations
…I know, it’s a long list. Hey, I said I liked writing, not editing. Here’s to another fun year with going west coastal – thanks again for reading!