Powerful Image
The power of this image, originally posted in The New York Times, takes my breath away. What a weight we’re carrying. “They were not simply names on a list. They were us.” Generations defined for years to come. What stories we’ll have to tell. Sending love to those...
How to Focus During At-Home Learning
Back from a run, back in PJs, and heading up to her room to start digital learning, complete with a breakfast smoothie. “Bye, Mom! I’m going to school,” she giggled. “Wait! Do have a napkin full of bacon in your hand?” I asked, smirking because while I smelled bacon,...
Some Good News Prom #throwback
Funniest part of our week - freaking our kids out by putting on actual clothes and catching the #sgnprom in honor of the good old days. Pre-game shots of Peach Schnapps not involved, believe it or not. And we’re all now wondering if @kclark01 might be a missing Jonas...
New Dog, New Tricks…Apparently.
We’ve reached the point of quarantine where the dogs bring us snacks on the couch. #winning #dogslikecookies #fetch #april2020 #quarantinedogs #goldenretriever #pdxdogs #pdxdoglife
Quarantine Project.
So far today, I’ve vacuumed and dusted inside a closet and wiped down the insides of our recycling containers. Now, I “get to” tackle the junk mail bins and, once again, question so many of my life choices. #whydoweevensaveit #livingthequarantinedream #pdxwriter...
Perfect Quarantine Spring Break Song
I couldn’t even muster a . #march2020 #pdxmom #pdxparents #pdxwriter