Portlandish: Models Gettin’ In on Some Benefits?
Is it me, or does this model look like she’s reaping the benefits of Oregon’s legalization?
This is Why Living in Portland is Awesome
"Breakfast" in Portland - who wouldn't want to live here? 😉 I saw this little gem at the food store (Philadelphia vernacular) / grocery store (Portland vernacular) over the weekend. Best. Ever.
Portlandish: Friendly Reminder from A Fellow Portlander
Custom (and self) painted cars are not infrequent in Portland. This one bears a nice, friendly reminder for all fellow citizens. 🙂
My East Coast Friends May Not Want to Read This Blog
Do you know what that is? Yes, yes, our messy, neglected winter backyard that hints of spring what with the plants, sneakers, toys and gardening paraphenalia lying around. But it's starting to get covered in snow - like real live snow that won't melt in five minutes....
Portlandish: Oh Deer!
I have mentioned before that flights back to Portland are my favorite. Mostly because it means I am heading home to my family (and bed and pillow), but also because they oftentimes offer unrivaled visual spectacles. Take that picture, for instance. Yes, that's a deer...
“A Story of State, City and the Swoosh” – Yep, that’s about right for us!
A little over two years ago, we moved to this cool town, for an amazing company with which Kenny saw a bright and promising future. I wish I had seen this video before we moved - I would have been super pumped (instead of pumped and nervous - haha.) about the...