Yay, this blog is three today!
I find that crazy. Mostly because that means in just a few short weeks, we will have lived here in Portland for THREE YEARS.
I am sure I will blubber about the past three years in an upcoming Portland anniversary post, so let’s get back to celebrating going west coastal’s third birthday.
I thought it would be fun to dig into the archives and share the beginning. How this blog came to be. How we came to be Portlanders. It’s a fun – sometimes emotional, sometimes funny – walk down the Clark family memory lane. I started this blog as a fun way to document our move so our friends and family could follow along. It was sort of a written bridge to keep us connected. It’s grown since then – in readers and subject matter. I don’t write nearly as often as I intend to. I am trying to fix that. But the intention is still the same – to connect the people I know and love (and even those I don’t know and love who have taken an interest in my writing – haha!) with what’s happening with us out here on the West Coast. 🙂
Enjoy the crazy story of how we became Portlanders – click the links below!
Hi, Honey! What do you think about moving to Portland?
Someone, please love our house.
We’re home? We’re here? We’re here. It will be home later.
You Learn a Lot About Your Kids in 40 Hours in a Car Over Four Days
The Packers (Not the Inventoriers) – Day 1 (Don’t miss – this one’s pretty hilarious)
The Packers – Day 2 (another funny one)
Moving Pictures (…the double meaning is not lost here!)
The Packers – Day 3. Final day…coupled with some police activity. (must read)
See You Soon! (grab some tissues)
Camping Out. Ok, ok. Camping In.
So long, Philadelphia; Hello, Portland!