An end of May call from an on-the-road Kenny started out innocently enough. You know, the usual ‘How are things? Everything ok? I miss you terribly and cannot wait to see your gorgeous face again.’ (Ok maybe that last part is a stretch – but it wouldn’t have been a bad thing to throw in given what was coming next.)
Kenny: So, uh, there’s an opportunity for me to move to Portland.
Me: OK…
Kenny: What do you think? Would you be into that?
Me: Sure…But if you don’t do it – do you still have a job? Is it an opportunity or a sure thing?
Kenny: Not sure. Details are sketchy. But basically, they are moving all the roles on my team back to headquarters.
Me: When?
Kenny: I think before September.
Good talk, right? Let’s move across the country…potentially sometime before the kids start school again…to a place you’ve never even visited. Maybe. I’ll let you know soon. In the meantime, just sit back and relax. Haha.
And so the story begins…