Mar 29, 2012 | moving across the stories
I’ve been feeling a little homesick lately, which stinks. Lots of exciting things going on back home…all of which we’re missing. And most of it involves super fun things like babies and weddings.
On the positive side, I’ve discovered that hearing a familiar voice can totally make you feel better. I had the chance to catch up with my oldest friend tonight. (Well, hmm. Not sure how to say that. Because she’s not the oldest age-wise, but she’s the gal I’ve been friends with the longest. Like practically my sister…).
My favorite part about this is that we both had so much to say that I felt like we were 13 again (save for the klutziness I covered here.) It was so much fun. We were literally talking over one another trying to get out one funny story after the next…and just catching up on life in general. I miss her. A lot. But in a weird way, maybe this move will be a good thing and give me the chance to make time for her (and others). At home, it was so easy to take everyone’s proximity for granted. Like I knew there would always be a next time to call, visit, etc. Now, connecting with people that I know and love and who know and love me…it’s different. Well maybe not different. Maybe it’s just that I stop and appreciate it. And appreciate them.
Wow. Pass the tissues.
In a few weeks, we’ll get to actually SEE and SPEND TIME WITH some more of our close friends. I am really looking forward to that. Because I miss them, too. (And since this blog was pretty much a Debbie Downer, I promise I won’t blog about that reunion – hahahaha.)
Mar 15, 2012 | yup, i really did that
Dude, there’s nothing like making a fool of yourself on campus at your husband’s work. File under things I am positive he didn’t plan for. (As in the virtual office back in Pennsylvania is gonna look mighty fine after he reads this.)
Let me preface this story with full disclosure: I have never been graceful / I have always been a klutz. One of my best tricks is falling UP the steps. Oh, and there was the time when we were playing tag out front, I tripped and ROLLED head first down my neighbor’s front lawn all the way to the curb. I was probably 13 – so this was mortifying on a number of levels – but mostly because I was already awkward because, well, I was 13 and I was playing tag. Falling into the toilet because my brother left the seat up (age 13 was not my year). Inline skating with Kenny, hitting a rock, flying in the air while he yelled “Ohhh!” and then “OHHHHH!” when I landed on the ground (while we were dating. It’s a wonder he still wanted to marry me.) Falling down the steps in Jenkintown and tearing my meniscus / crutches for two weeks. Falling down the steps in Jenkintown AGAIN and bruising my back something fierce. The list goes on and on and on.
Well, today I took it to a whole ‘nother level. I fell into a trash can as I was walking into the building to drop the kids off at school. Like literally fell into it, caught it with my arms, kind of hugged it and balanced (as best as my klutzy self could) so it and I did not tumble to the ground. All the while, making sure I had my kids in sight. Oh yes. This happened in front of other parents and kids (some in my kids’ class), the security guard and the desk lady. On campus at my husband’s work. Legendary. I am pretty sure everyone who saw this was psyched for lunch so they could tell their friends. It was that good. I thank them all for holding back their laughter in my presence (although I really deserved it and was cracking up myself.)
Mar 14, 2012 | trying to raise humans
Since we’ve been here since the end of October, now seems like a good time to get the kids a pediatrician, right? Thankfully, we’ve been mostly healthy and haven’t required a visit yet – however, Grace turns four next month and needs a well visit.
I did some research and we made a choice this week. My research entailed a good old-fashioned Google search and reading some online reviews for different practices. It’s what all the good moms do when making an important decision like picking a doctor. (Note: this is a joke. Good moms probably call around, get personal recommendations and interview doctors like I’ve seen countless articles detailing. Me? I Googled. Back home? I asked the nurse in the maternity wing which one was close to my house. Don’t judge yet – it gets worse.)
I came across one practice that was intriguing. They promoted themselves in such a way that you kind of feel guilty for not choosing it. General philosophy was that a strong focus on good nutrition could alleviate many health issues – but was rooted in traditional medicine so your kids got the care they needed when they needed it, etc. I was getting so sucked up in the idea of such a pediatrician that I forgot my own reality, which is this: my kids love Cheez-Its. And when we are super busy, they have sometimes have Wendy’s (!) for dinner. Oh, and they have hot dogs. Of course we buy natural and organic where we can, and definitely limit junk food and juice, etc., but we’re not sticklers. And, honestly, I feared that the first time I showed up with a flu-ish Gavin that the 63 Cheez-Its he ate in the week leading up to the illness would be blamed. And that’s not really fair. To me or the Cheez-Its. So, yes, I decided against a practice so I didn’t have to hide my kids’ love of snack crackers. (You can judge me now.)
I thought again about what was really important to us. And it basically boiled down to this: do we know someone that likes the doctor? If so, that made me feel good. I had Kenny ask a work friend and we went with his recommendation. First appointment is next month. I am packing Grace a snack bag of Cheez-Its for the ride over. Hahaha.
Mar 2, 2012 | moments & memories
God, I love kids.
It’s fun to be a neighborhood chock full of ’em! We’ve been told there are about 24 kids second grade and under on our block and the next one over. Should be a ton of fun once the weather gets nice.
Ok, back to the story at hand.
Praying that it’s not one of the adult neighbors, I reluctantly answer because I am definitely living the dream of working from home today (i.e. I *may* still be in my pajamas and rockin’ some hair that hasn’t been washed since Wednesday night.)
Two young ladies hand me a single rolled up antique brown page of a newspaper (i.e. definitely a piece of trash that was blowing around the cul-de-sac): “Hi! Here’s your newspaper. Can they play?” (They being Gavin and Grace. Maybe even Kenny. Rumors of how good he is at entertaining kids might have hit the West Coast, you never know.)
Me: “Aw, thanks, girls! You’re delivering newspapers today?”
Them: “Yea. Newspapers and money. We’re also giving out money to some poor people on the street.”
I only got a newspaper, but given how I am dressed at the moment, I am expecting the doorbell to ring aaaaaany second now with a delivery of some money.