Perfect Strangers & The Proper Philadelphia Response
Philadelphia in full effect out here in Portland. In my defense, I am 44 and pulling down random compliments from strangers is about 20 years out of my wheelhouse. #lostmanners #unlearnedbehavior #mildsocialawk Glad I haven’t lost my...
Santa Buys a Booty Mask…Yea.
<— Santa’s face when the realization set in that the “face masks” (s)he purchased for their favorite 11 year old were perhaps a bit mature. Thank God read the box before loading it onto the sleigh. Santa, however, is left with so many questions like WTF is a booty...
MOTY Nomination 2018
There are so many instances where I should get a MOTY (mom of the year), but this one is truly up there. Almost Lifetime Achievement worthy.
Mulching Fantastic
Dear Friends, I am writing to you from the edge of my kitchen table, just a few short days into summer break. For the kids, obvs. For parents, normal life marches on through the summer...mostly. You do have a few added chores like parent taxis, and drying all the swim...
Recently, I had the bright idea to make 'breakfast for dinner' for three reasons: My kids love it, and we rarely do it. (More on that later.) It was a great chance to use our first-ever waffle maker, which I had gotten on super-sale at Williams Sonoma after the...
My List of Nicknames Grows
Over the years, I've had a few mishaps with people mispronouncing my name. Mostly, the experience has been with children during babysitting incidents. Two great ones come to mind: My best friend and I were babysitting a young girl on her street who apparently found...