So May marks the month where Oregon invaded my soul.
It was the month where Kenny first mentioned the idea of the move.
Hard to believe it’s been a year already since we (mentally) started this journey.
It’s been hard, and fun, and crazy, and busy, and challenging, and eye-opening – sometimes with wonder and sometimes with fear. Looking back – it’s been mostly eye-opening wonder. Only a few fear-inducing parts. Most having to do with being across the country by ourselves. Somehow, even though we’re in our mid-thirties, with children, jobs, a house and cars, it feels like this experience made us “grown ups” in a way we hadn’t been before. I am not sure why. But I feel … more like a grown up now. Hahaha.
It’s been emotional. On many, many levels. So many ups and downs as we made the decision to move…and then worked through the process of actually moving.
Never mind the heart swells. It’s thrown me head-long back into my relationship with my family – I spend more quality time with each of them than I ever had before. Not that I didn’t spend a lot of time with them before. It’s just different. More focused, maybe? And, quite frankly, it’s the best thing ever.
When we first thought about doing this, I told Kenny he better be sure he liked me enough to move across the country with me. I told him that he’d be faced with a whole lot of Bridget time as I wouldn’t know anybody else, so I’d need to hang out with him even more than we did at home. (Mostly joking, with a touch of seriousness. I can’t help it. This is how my brain thinks.) He told me I was a goofball and to stop being crazy. Seven months in to living out here and he still likes me. Phew. (Hahaha.) We spend a lot of time just hanging out together now, and it’s kinda awesome. I really love him – and he really does make me happy. Thank God. Because it would reallllllllllly suck to be out here together if we didn’t get along. Like really suck.
Ok, Love Fest 2012 is over.
One year. Wow. I think we can sum it up with a simple thought. Our close friends from home recently sent us a lovely housewarming gift. It makes me smile everyday.P.S. Snax – we suck at thank you notes. It will arrive shortly!