“Ken! Mommy needs you.”

If you guessed this was another cooking story, you were right. Tonight, I am making bolognese. It's one of Kenny's favorite things that I make, and since I am heading to New York for work tomorrow (until Friday night), I thought it'd be nice if I made the gang a good...

This is How My Day Started…

I headed out to Walgreen's this morning to grab a few things, including a box of Christmas cards. I walked into the store and was greeted by a gal with, "Good morning, can I help you find anything?" I said, "Hi, yes - can you point me to boxed Christmas cards?" I...

I am No Longer Friends with My Oven

To be clear, I am pretty sure some folks would argue I never really was friends with my oven (cough, cough, Kenny), but I am officially putting it out there after my latest experience. (...oh, and who can forget this little gem of a cooking story from when we first...

Scene of my Latest “Athletic” Feat

If you haven't yet checked out how I spent my day on Friday, I recommend you head over here for a nice, solid chuckle at my expense. You'll get a lot more out of this post if you do. Or maybe it will more hilarious if you check out the pictures below then go read what...

This Takes the Cake

This morning started off being weird, as Kenny put it. He wasn't wrong. Grace was feverish, I was kind of cranky, Gavin was slow to wake and get ready for school. I took Grace's temperature before she left for school and it was running between 99.3 and 100.4, so I...

Poor Kenny

Dude, there's nothing like making a fool of yourself on campus at your husband's work. File under things I am positive he didn't plan for. (As in the virtual office back in Pennsylvania is gonna look mighty fine after he reads this.) Let me preface this story with...