Defining My Legacy: One Hunter Boot at a Time
This week, I gave my kids the gift of a story that will become part of their permanent memories. A tale that they will use to regale friends and family members alike for years and years and years to come. A tale that will quite possibly be part of my defining legacy...
Hi, I’m 40 and I Bought My First Justin Bieber Album
And, after an extensive Google search (read: two seconds), I am happy to report that my use of the term album, in and of itself, does not actually date me. (Mmmhmm. I do research for this small-potatoes, limited-readership blog so I don't steer my tens of readers...
When You’re So Tired, You Feel Like a Crazy Person (a.k.a Read this and you’ll feel so much better about yourself!)
Judging solely by the number of Starbucks "You are Here" mugs that have been added to the Clark collection, you can tell 2015 was one travel-filled year. (And not for leisure.) How many have we added? Fourteen. As in, this year, between Kenny and I, we have business...
40 is the New 21 (For Me. Apparently.)
This past weekend, I had the good fortune of traveling home to Philadelphia to surprise my best gal pal at her surprise 40th birthday party. I've never really done a weekend "away from it all" since having kids - perhaps shockingly, perhaps not so much. I travel...
You Know Dinner’s Gonna Be Good…
...when you send that text to your spouse around the time when dinner should actually be done and your spouse should be strolling through the front door licking his or her chops. I apologize for the cursing and typos, but they actually punctuate my frame of mind quite...
This is What Happens When I Try to Be Fancy
One of my friends let me in on a hot tip: you can reserve library books online and they will pull them for you and have them waiting for you to pick up. This may not be a hot tip to some, but to me it is a new, life-changing discovery. It's probably been in existence...