“Whoa, Mom! You Look Like a Teacher!”
Me...trying to appreciate the situational irony of Gavin walking into my office just now and saying, “Whoa, Mom. You look like a teacher!” Figured I’d document my outfit and hair so I’m ready for Sept. 14. #goodmorningmrsclark #distancelearning #notready...
12 Years In & Still Making Rookie Mistakes
Why would I ask if she had her uniform shirt on UNDER her team issued half-zip? Because I should know better - parenting 101 - always ask if they have everything they need before you lock the front door! #rookiemistake #notevenmyfirstkid #alwaysaskdumbass #pdxparents...
Middle School Sex Ed (a.k.a. It’s Amazing I Ever Had Kids)
Thankful for the schools’ efforts around the #prepuberty #health talks...but tonight’s homework fun made me question how the eff I ever had kids. So many good things ...#2 down...um...what? "Holes under their underwear"? Holes? Apparently that corresponds to the...
A Healthy Dose of Perspective
Today, I received some good news. Not quite as good as I had hoped, but overall, good. I can say that out loud now that I’ve gone through my usual steps: freak out (internally usually, and, sometimes with those close to me) while I process, then chill and be rational...
Hershey’s Kisses Two Ways…Apparently.
I’m so glad my children enjoy Hershey’s kisses while making Hershey’s kisses . I’m also glad they still cannot seem to find one of the five trash cans we have in the house. And, finally, I’m thankful for the proof that we are still raising hamsters, not future adults....
How to Teach Your Teens Not to Read Over Your Shoulder
How to teach your kids not to read over your shoulder in three simple screen shots. Spoiler alert: she didn’t say organism. #moty #textswithfriends #welcometoyourteensson #parentingteens #pdxparent #pdxwriter ETA: I was laughing too hard and texted 'science' instead...