Hershey’s Kisses Two Ways…Apparently.
I’m so glad my children enjoy Hershey’s kisses while making Hershey’s kisses . I’m also glad they still cannot seem to find one of the five trash cans we have in the house. And, finally, I’m thankful for the proof that we are still raising hamsters, not future adults....
How to Teach Your Teens Not to Read Over Your Shoulder
How to teach your kids not to read over your shoulder in three simple screen shots. Spoiler alert: she didn’t say organism. #moty #textswithfriends #welcometoyourteensson #parentingteens #pdxparent #pdxwriter ETA: I was laughing too hard and texted 'science' instead...
“Mom, Do You Think My Face is Weird?”
Go ahead and grab a tissue. If not for you, then grab an extra one for me. My sensitive little nine-year-old guy spoke these very words to me today. I looked at him and firmly said, "Absolutely not!" as if it were the stupidest thing I had EVER heard. He looked at the...
Here We Go – Being Mom to a “Ginger”
Few things rile me up more than when I see or hear about kids getting bullied or picked on. You can imagine how that multiplies when it involves my own children - no matter what side of the equation they are on. Gavin got off the bus today and ran over to me. I could...
Feet on a Plane (a.k.a. Just no.)
Generally, I am OK with people getting comfortable on a long plane ride. But not if it means your stocking foot is so close to me I can feel the warmth of its recent tight shoe home radiating in my direction. (And sadly, I actually took that pic with my right arm from...
Who Decided Pumpkin Carving should be a Thing?
Ok, I have to know. Who the h-e-double-hockey-sticks decided that pumpkin carving should be a thing? And what in the world made us decide this would be the year we'd say yes to carving pumpkins after six years of successfully brainwashing convincing our kids that...