What Is Happening to Me?
I did it. I went hiking. And liked it. It was just like a walk. Only up a hill. And then back down. Hahaha. I did, however, draw the line once the trail stopped having a rail / fence on the mountain side. I know, with 99% certainty, that had I gone past that point, I...
I Got Recognized…
...for being a Philadelphian by my accent. How hilarious is that? A check out gal at Trader Joe's overheard me speaking to Gavin and Grace and said, "Excuse me - any chance you are from Philly?" I said, "Yes, I am!" She replied - "I totally picked that out by your...
Things You Don’t Plan for When House Shopping
Last night, we toured a couple houses. During one visit, the kids and I were checking out the deck. I left the back door slightly ajar because it was drizzly and I had no intention of staying outside long. Wrong move. WHOOOOOOOOOSH! A streak of grayish-black fur...
The Smoke Alarms Work
No worries. Our smoke alarms work. I gave 'em a good test last night. It started out innocently enough. I wanted to make my family a nice Sunday night dinner after a long weekend of house hunting. Risotto, London Broil and broccoli. Clearly too much for our sweet...