

Have you ever gotten a phone call from the vice principal of your child's school? It's literally dreadful the way you might imagine getting fired from your job might be. I never want to answer the phone when I see it's the school calling. No one from school ever calls...

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We’re Officially a Mint Toothpaste Family

We’re Officially a Mint Toothpaste Family

A recent series of events has confirmed that, without a doubt, the Clark family is officially and forever and always an all-mint, all-the-time toothpaste family. Over the past two weeks, we've been on poor Gavin about his seemingly absent oral hygiene. His breath has...

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First Day of School: This Year, They’re OK

First Day of School: This Year, They’re OK

This time last year, I sat in my chair and worried about Gavin and Grace, both of whom were nervous for their first day of school. This year, I sit in my chair, and smile to myself because both Gavin and Grace are super excited for school to start. Like literally...

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Tweenhood is on the Horizon

Tweenhood is on the Horizon

Ah, summer. The time of year when you spend tons and tons of time with your kids and get to know them on a whole 'nother level. Again. Even with our work schedules staying the same and the Gs heading to camp every day, we spend a lot of time together hanging out at...

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“Mom, Do You Think My Face is Weird?”

“Mom, Do You Think My Face is Weird?”

Go ahead and grab a tissue. If not for you, then grab an extra one for me. My sensitive little nine-year-old guy spoke these very words to me today. I looked at him and firmly said, "Absolutely not!" as if it were the stupidest thing I had EVER heard. He looked at the...

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Reflection and Awakening

Reflection and Awakening

On this day of solemn remembrance and reflection, we had a small awakening in our family. I am still processing it. As part of our stellar parenting, we don't really have rules like 'no TV before school'. Gavin's an early riser (think 6 a.m., like clockwork!), and...

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