Quarantine Starts & We are CRUSHING IT.
Tales from Our New WFH/LFH Reality... A short while ago, the kids finished their schoolwork and were out front shooting hoops with one another. Yay for mom squeezing in some P.E. time, right? What was I worried about? We're kinda crushing this new homeschooling gig!...
Well (or Welp?!), This is New.
I have so much to say. I imagine many of you do, too. If you know me or have followed this page for a while, you know that I sometimes need to write things out to help clear my head. I can't say this totally helped me this time, but it's a start. It's probably...
Mardi Gras & An Octopus
The good times are rolling over here. #mardigras #mardigraspdx #pdxmom #pdxparents #pdxparent #babyoctopus
Grace Never Gets to Relax…Apparently.
Join the club, sweetie. #noshit #parentingdefined #pdxmom #pdxparent #scarymommy
Rocking One Earring
#killingit #fashionista #nope
My Email Totally Gets Me
My email really gets me. #wtf #thisis44 #andhappilymarried #oneanddone #myemailisanasshole #pdxmoms #pdxwriters