“A Story of State, City and the Swoosh” – Yep, that’s about right for us!

A little over two years ago, we moved to this cool town, for an amazing company with which Kenny saw a bright and promising future.

I wish I had seen this video before we moved – I would have been super pumped (instead of pumped and nervous – haha.) about the uncertain journey that was unfurling ahead.

With two+ years at Nike HQ under his belt, I am happy Kenny has the opportunity to make his mark on the legacy that Nike is building right here in Oregon. It’s been a wild ride – mostly fun, sometimes scary, but always worth it.

As a communications professional, I am smitten with this video. It’s awesome. Inspiring. Motivational. And I am sitting here wondering why I don’t work for Nike…which means it served its purpose – haha. As a side note, we had the pleasure of meeting and spending an evening with Nelson (2:06) last holiday season at a friends’ house. How amazing is that job – “Corporate Storyteller”? It’s pretty special to be part of something from the start, like Nelson was with Nike. I love love love that they leverage their very first employees to not only keep the brand heritage alive – but also link how that heritage is defining the path for the future. There’s really no better way to show the power of your brand than by spotlighting your very first employees. They created the brand. They embody the brand. They are your best ambassadors – and can showcase how yesterday’s beliefs and experience can create a company for today, tomorrow and beyond better than anyone because they live it every day, and likely have for the better part of their career.  Simply amazing corporate comms.

To bring this video even closer to home, that’s Kenny and I hiking in the Columbia Gorge at :27.

Just joking, it’s not. But we’ve been to the Gorge a few times, and can vouch for it’s beauty and peacefulness.

At :30 in, we live in the hills to the left of the radio towers you see in that shot. Pretty sure my mom took pictures with the silver guy seen :36 in…only at the Saturday Market during their visit last May. We’ve snow tubed at Mount Hood (:39) and enjoyed many a microbrew (:53). Gavin and Grace have run around the track (1:24) for pre-school activities, including time spent with members of the Wounded Warrior Project. Grace still tells stories about “her soldiers” that could go “so fast even though they lost their legs in the war. Mom, did you know they have chairs with wheels that help them move around?” (I tell her I do know that as I swallow back my tears. I am equally happy that she recognizes the significance of their sacrifice and thankful for everything they’ve given for our freedom.) Their pre-school graduation was in the building behind the goal in 1:29, and they spend their Saturday mornings in the building shown at 1:32 learning to swim.

Pretty cool stuff. And, in November – the month where we’re giving thanks for all the blessings in our lives – we’re happy we can include the fantastic experiences this video teases as part of our lives.