Today, we celebrate our main man, Gavin. He’s 10.
Yep, 10.
Double digits. One – zero.
Yea. I’m not really sure how that happened either.
He’s taller than my shoulder. Just shy of my shoe size. Totally overgrown for my lap. But he still tries to sit there. Mostly so he can quietly share little things from his day to a one-woman audience. Sometimes to annoy his sister. Sometimes to wonder why things happen the way they do. Most recently, he was curious about why ‘nice things’ sometimes make him feel like he wants to cry. Because he’s Gavin. And he’s mostly heart, that kid. Mostly heart.
The last 10 years have been the fastest of my life.
And knowing life and its funny ways, I suspect the years ahead will not feel any slower.
The last 10 years have been the best of my life.
And knowing life and its funny ways, I suspect the years ahead will be even better.
I am so thankful for Gavin.
He makes our smiles bigger.
He makes our laughs heartier.
He makes our days brighter.
He makes our hearts fuller.
He makes our lives better.
He’s 10 today.
The start of his double-digits.
Just the start.
Happy birthday, buddy!