I just overheard one of the local news channels that Tuesday could deteriorate into a bad hair day.
Oh my. I cannot stop laughing.
On one hand, as a gal with hair that frizzes easily, I can appreciate the warning. On the other hand, (which is apparently the less vain and more rational hand), I am wondering if this is really news. Either way – it made me laugh and got my attention to the point I needed to blog about it – so purpose served?
I am now also wondering what type of Portland weather brings on bad hair days? I mean it’s misty a lot. And rains a lot. It doesn’t get humid (by comparison to August on the East Coast). So what type of Portland weather event prompts such a warning? I guess I will see tomorrow. Haha.
Ok, I am off to apply some hair product as a pre-emptive strike before I head to bed. Because having good hair is an important thing when one works from home. 😉